Mavala Mava-White 10ml
Mavala Mava-White 10ml
Mavala Mava-White 10ml
Mavala Mava-White 10ml
Mavala Mava-White 10ml
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The innovative formulation of MAVA-WHITE hides the unsightly aspect of stained, dull nails, while giving them a natural and healthy look. It is an optical colour perfector for the nails thanks to specific pigments that react to UV light. When used under a nail polish, the shade does not change visually. No more colour that turns into a dirty beige, a dubious yellow or a dull red, when applied on yellow nails ! Thanks to matt finish when used on its own, MAVA-WHITE may also be used by men whose nails have been stained or yellowed, perhaps due to nicotine, and who are concerned about the apearance of their nails.


How To Use

There are three ways to use MAVA-WHITE. 1) for a matt effect, apply MAVA-WHITE on its own on bare nails. 2) for a longer hold and shiny effect, apply a base coat before MAVA-WHITE and a top coat after. 3) for a luminous nail polish shade which is not distorted by yellow nails, put MAVA-WHITE on after a base coat and before nail polish and top coat.