Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
Harker Herbals Immune Tonic
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Harker Herbals
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Harker Herbals Immune Tonic (formerly known as Malcolm Harker Immunurse 700) - A herbal tonic designed to support and boost immune health with Echinacea, Clove buds and Ginger.

Useful in all low immune response and poor health situations to build immunity, energy and aid in recuperation. It is made from a harmonious blend of herbs that have a specific therapeutic action on some part of the organism all of which are synergistic and dependent on each other.

Note – combining mineral-rich systemic tonics together from the Malcolm Harker range increases the curatory potency and potential toward wellness



Active Ingredients:

Echinacea, Clove Buds, Frankincense.


Cayenne, Ginger, Licorice, Carrageen, Kumarahou, Yellow Dock, Vervain.

Pure Essential Oils:

Jojoba, Aniseed, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptol.


Celtic Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Organic Iodine, Vegetable Glycerine.


Suggested Use

Adults: Take 5-10mls 3-4 times daily. 

Swill for 10 seconds before swallowing.


Additional Product Information


Not to be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding.

If taking prescribed medication (including blood thinners or blood pressure medication), please seek professional medical advice before taking our products.

Always read the label and use only as directed.

If suffering a thyroid condition, please seek medical advice before taking.