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生命泉 肠道益生菌+高级消化酶活性粉 Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes Powder 400g
本店售价: $34.99 $45.9
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  • 产品品牌 Lifestream
  • 商品货号: 9403067126064
  • 商品重量: 630克
  • 商品规格: 400g
  • 商品产地: 纽西兰

Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes is a unique natural fibre formula with enzymes, herbs, prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and bowel health. It contains natural psyllium husks to aid regular bowel movements and digestive enzymes to help break down food to support digestion.

Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes:

  • Supports bowel health and regularity
  • Supports digestion and the nutrient absorption process
  • Provides prebiotics and probiotics

Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes is 100% natural with no added flavours or sweeteners

Adults: 2 rounded teaspoons (5g), 1-2 times daily

Children 6-12 years: 1 rounded teaspoon (2.5g), 1-2 times daily

Mix into large glass of water or juice, stir well and consume immediately. Follow with another glass of water or juice. Increase water intake while taking additional dietary fibre. Best taken ½ hour before or after food. It is recommended to start with a low dose and build up gradually to suit.

Are Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes suitable for everyday bowel support?

Yes, Bowel Biotics Fibre + Enzymes are an ideal option to use for everyday bowel support and gut health. A natural blend of pre & probiotics and psyllium husks to support bowel regularity. Alongside plant sourced digestive enzymes with ginger, fennel and peppermint leaf to help bloating and support healthy digestion.

Can I use for everyday bowel support?

Yes, Lifestream Bowel Biotics can be used as on-going support to help bowel regularity and health.

Do I need to drink more water or liquid?

When using or adding additional fibre into the diet, this is a good idea to help support movement.

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